The UCCA currently has a membership of 23 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and other Community Based Organisations (CBOs) working across the country.

Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
ISER is an independent, not-for-profit human rights organization responsible for promoting the effective understanding, monitoring, imple-mentation and realization of Economic and So-cial Rights in Uganda. ISER also hosts the Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) Secretariat.
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Legal Brains Trust
Legal Brains Trust
LBT is an independent nonprofit organisation that seeks to establish the rule of law, ensure equal and equitable access to justice and tackle the root causes of exclusion, vulnerability and poverty in Africa. In order to streamline its legal aid mandate, LBT established a specialist agency called Centre for Legal Aid, which is Uganda’s first national pro bono public interest law firm.
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Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development
Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development
CEHURD is an indigenous, non-profit, research and advocacy organization which is pioneering the enforcement of human rights and the justicia-bility of the right to health in Eastern Africa.
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Karamoja Development Forum
Karamoja Development Forum
KDF is a research, lobby and advocacy organisation on land and pastoralism, registered with the government of Uganda as nonprofit making organisation, based in Karamoja region of North Eastern Uganda.
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Navigators of Development Association
Navigators of Development Association
NAVODA is a NGO based in Hoima District. Its vision is to see socio-economic transformation of communities through conservation of the environment and other natural resources.
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Public Interest Law Clinic
Public Interest Law Clinic
PILAC is the premier university based law clinic in Uganda. Established in 2012, PILAC seeks to pro-mote social justice through hands-on experiential learning as well as exposing students to ‘live’ cases of individuals who have been confronted by the law in its varied manifestations. PILAC also hosts the Network of Public Interest Lawyers (NETPIL).
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Ecological Christian Organisation
Ecological Christian Organisation
ECO is an indigenous NGO working towards the realisation of sustainable livelihoods and natu-ral resources for the marginalised, under-served and vulnerable groups in Uganda. ECO has implemented a varied portfolio of projects in the greater Karamoja region, the Albertine Rift and the L. Victoria basin.
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Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute
Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute
SEATINI is an NGO working on trade, investment, tax and other related issues with a focus on strengthening the capacity of all key stakeholders to participate in and effectively influence trade, investment and tax related negotiations and policy processes at national, regional and international levels.
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Buliisa Initiative for Rural Development Organisation
Buliisa Initiative for Rural Development Organisation
BIRUDO operates in Albertine region of Uganda covering the sub-counties of Biiso, Buliisa, Butiaba, Kigwera, Kihungya, Ngwedo. BIRUDO’s mission is to improve the quality of life of the local communities through infor-mation sharing, sensitization, advocacy and networking for sustainable development. Among its core objectives, is to Strengthen good governance and management in nat-ural resources sector and in the extractive industry.
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Centre for Economic Social and Cultural Rights in Africa
Centre for Economic Social and Cultural Rights in Africa
CESCRA is a not-for –profit non-government regional organisation founded in 2010 by four activists experienced in regional human rights specifically on economic social cultural rights and gender equality in Africa. CESCRA works to harmonise the international and regional human rights law with national reforms and strategies.
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Twerwaneho Listeners Club
Twerwaneho Listeners Club
Twerwaneho means “lets struggle for ourselves”. TLC is based in Fortportal and aims at awak-ening people to debate issues of governance and rights. TLC started as a radio program which triggered informal debates on matters of democracy and governance in the region. Currently the organisation is engaged in research and strategic litigation especially around land matters and labour rights viola-tions by corporate entities.
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Uganda Association of Women Lawyers
Uganda Association of Women Lawyers
The Uganda Association of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Uganda) is one of the leading women’s rights organizations in Uganda and the pioneer of legal aid and public legal education in sub-Saharan Africa. Formed in 1974, FIDA-Uganda has an established track record of promoting and defending human rights, with a focus on the rights of women with children as beneficiaries of this of this work.
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Lake Albert Children Women Advocacy And Development Organisation
Lake Albert Children Women Advocacy And Development Organisation
LACWADO is a non-Governmental organization based in Buliisa that empowers children and women to enjoy their human rights through partnerships, research, community mobilization and organising, advocacy, awareness raising, capacity building, networking and information sharing.
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Rural Initiative For Community Empowerment West Nile
Rural Initiative For Community Empowerment West Nile
Centered in west Nile sub region of Uganda, RICE-West Nile is a local NGO. RICE-West Nile is well known as an empowerment organization, which takes part in peace building, improvement of health as well as capacity building. Most noteworthy, RICE-West Nile stands out of all other organizations for the unique way of solving problems and working. Especially the family spirit and the transparency are high cherished treats. But accountability, capacity building and open opportunities for all are very important to RICE-West Nile as well.
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World Voices Uganda
World Voices Uganda
WVU is Kagadi-based NGO whose main areas of focus for the last 12 years have been issues of good governance and accountability, protection and promotion of the rights of the vulnerable persons such as women, children, youth and PWDs and those in conflict with the law as well as enhancing access to justice.
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Teso Karamoja Women Initiative For Peace
Teso Karamoja Women Initiative For Peace
TEKWIP is based in Kumi and focuses on improving livelihoods and enjoyment of economic, Social and Cultural rights and freedoms of women in Teso and Karamoja regions through Lobbying, peace building, advocacy and capacity building and Land related issues and disputes.
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Action Aid International Uganda
Action Aid International Uganda
AAU is a National NGO that sets out to facilitate and coordinate a strong and united network of civil society organisations, state agencies, corporations and communities around matters of corporate Accountability and supports its partners through capacity building, advocacy and awareness raising.
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International Accountability Project
International Accountability Project
IAP is an international advocacy organization that boosts local and international advocacy efforts, supports local activists and communities to access and exchange information on developments that affect them and seeks advance development principles and projects that prioritize human and environmental rights.
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Center for Food And Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT)
Center for Food And Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT)
Statement; To promote Social justice in food, health, trade and investment systems, through the use of legal tools and social accountability approaches such as, strategic litigation, community empowerment, legal and policy advocacy to advance the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being in Uganda and Africa.
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Food Rights Alliance
Food Rights Alliance
Statement; To promote the realization of the right to food in Uganda through strengthening sustainable farming systems and improving Food and Nutrition Justice.
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Bank Information Center (BIC)
Bank Information Center (BIC)
BIC is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that advocates for transparency, accountability, sustainability, and inclusion in development finance.
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