
Position Paper On The Sugar Cane Farmers’ Protection Bill

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CSO letter In Support of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

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Statement on European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

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Call for Responsible Oversight: Advocating for The Regulation of Corporate Actors in The Provision of Social Services

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Training Manual for Media Practitioners on Business and Human Rights

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Submission to the UN Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises

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State of Labour Rights in Uganda: Pursuing the Right to Livelihood and Dignity for All Workers

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Submission to the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises: Development Finance Institutions and Human Rights

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Written contribution from African Civil Society and Faith- Based Organisations to the Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights, on the Third Revised Draft of the Legally Binding Instrument on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with regard to Human Rights

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Impact of the High Electricity Tariff on Ugandans’ Economic and Social Rights

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Position Paper on the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Forced Labour Regulation

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Between Exploitation & Work: Realizing the Right to Work of Ugandan Migrant Workers in the Middle East

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Position Paper on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2022

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Benchmarking the Social, Economic and Environmental Status of the Oil and Gas Host Communities

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CSO Proposals on the Amendment of the Investment Code Act, 2019

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FPIC Runyakitara Translation


FPIC Lugbara Translation


FPIC Luganda Translation


FPIC Ateso Translation


Joint Press Statement: Prioritize the Right to Dignity and Livelihood of Women Workers in Commercial Investment Schemes

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Civil Society Position on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between Government of Uganda and Uganda Vinci Coffee Company (UVCC) Limited

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Free Prior and Informed Consent (Ateso version)

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Free Prior and Informed Consent (Runyakitara version)

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Free Prior and Informed Consent (Luganda version)

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Free Prior and Informed Consent (Lugbara version)

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UCCA Stakeholder Engagements and Events on Wadelai Irrigation Scheme Project

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Memorandum on the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) (Special Provisions) Bill, 2021

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The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

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Press statement on the insecurity arising from the implementation of the Wadelai Irrigation Project Scheme in Pakwach district

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Commemorating a Decade of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

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Statement on the state of child labour during the pandemic

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Uganda: Policy brief on the need to promote ‘access to information’ and respect for ‘free, prior and informed consent’ in all development projects that affect communities

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Chinese Corporations Operating In Uganda: Human Rights & Labour Standards Compliance

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The Hidden Side of Chinese Investments in Uganda

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Child Labour in Agri-business: A Case Study of Select Outgrower Communities & Companies in Uganda’s Sugar Industry

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Background Paper for Uganda’s National Action Plan on Business & Human Rights

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The Need for a NAP on Business & Human Rights

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Understanding Free, Informed & Prior Consent (FPIC)

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Ensuring Protection and Respect for Labour Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Memo on the Minimum Wage Bill 2015

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Remarks by the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), UCCA, and ISER

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Uganda UPR Factsheet 2016

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Key Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Recommendations For Uganda From The 2nd Universal Periodic Review

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“Living in Poverty Amidst Plenty”: The Case of Artisanal Miners in Karamoja Region

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The Bitter Taste of Sugar: Photo story on the effects of sugarcane production in Luuka district

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The Capacity of the State to Regulate Corporations

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Business and Human Rights in Uganda

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Newsletter Issue 1: Pursuing Corporate Accountability

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Handbook on Land Ownership, Rights, Interests and Acquisition in Uganda

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The State of Corporate Accountability in Uganda

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A Brief Overview of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

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Seyani Brothers & Co(U) Ltd’s Response to issues raised in UCCA’s State of Accountability Report

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Report on Community Dialogue held in Namuyenje subcounty in Mukono district

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