Regional Corporate Accountability Platforms
The Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) has been organizing Regional Corporate Accountability Platforms (RECAP) with its membership, bringing together various stakeholders in the various regions of the country including, CSOs, Local government Officials, Police, and business actors among others.
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Participation in the 43rd ACERWC in Maseru
The secretariat participated in the 43rd Ordinary session of the Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. Through this engagement, the consortium was able to engage the African Commission, particularly on issues of the prevalence of child labor and overall concerns about children’s rights and business in Africa.
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Position paper on OSH Amendment Bill 2023
The consortium prepared and submitted a position paper on the Occupational Safety and Health Amendment Bill 2023, highlighting the importance of greater protection for all workers and respect for their rights.
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Profiling women-led grassroots organisations pursuing corporate accountability
The consortium undertook a research aimed at profiling women-led grassroots organisations pursuing corporate accountability across Uganda. The field visits were conducted in the districts Kaabong, Kotido and Moroto in Karamoja region, Tororo, Bugiri, Kaliro and Iganga in Eastern Uganda, Buliisa, Kikuube and Hoima in the Albertine region and Gulu, Maracha and Arua in North and West Nile regions.
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Op-Ed on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
The Consortium published an Op-ed highlighting the importance of the Corporate sustainability due diligence directive to supply chains here in Uganda and the overall business landscape, calling for critical attention to the quartet due diligence obligations of identifying, preventing, mitigating, and accounting for negative human rights and environmental impacts within their operations.
Learn moreMeeting with AfDB Bank Management
The Secretariat together with BIRUDO, and IAP held a meeting with the AfDB management to discuss the management plan and action record over the Wadelai irrigation project.
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CSO letter in support of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
The Consortium joined other like-minded international organizations in calling for the quick resolution of the impasse at the EU Council and the quick adoption of the CSDDD. Through this engagement, the consortium was able to augment its advocacy for due diligence and respect for the rights of all, including the supply chains.
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Statement on adoption of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
The consortium issued a statement calling for the adoption of the Corporate sustainability due diligence directive, critically noting that the directive will go a long way in impacting communities, workers, and business ecosystems.
Learn moreRoundtable discussion between Total and NGO’s on Tilenga
The Consortium participated in the roundtable Meeting between Total Energies and NGOs over the Tilenga Project. Various issues were discussed, including compliance with human rights principles in project implementation, land acquisition process, and regulatory perspectives.
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General Assembly and Capacity building of UCCA members
The consortium convened its membership for a week-long General Assembly and capacity-building engagement. The General Assembly entailed discussions about specific areas of concern arising within the Consortium and effective planning for the year’s activities and partnerships.
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10th Annual Conference on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
UCCA participated in the 10th Annual Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Conference at Makerere University under the theme ‘Human Capital Development: The Cost of Education in the Era of National Development Plan III (NDP III) where the Coordinator of UCCA moderated a panel on the Role of the state in Regulating the cost of education. Through this engagement, business and human rights contexts on the private provision of Education services were shared.
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African Business and Human Rights Forum
The secretariat and members of the Consortium attended the African Business and Human Rights Forum which was convened by the AU and coorganized by UNDP, OHCHR, the Working Group, and UNICEF, in close collaboration with local, regional, continental, and international actors. This regional forum brought together stakeholders across Africa to take stock of progress and discuss challenges and opportunities for promoting responsible business and human rights conduct and corporate accountability in the African region.
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ACCA Conference and General Assembly
The consortium together with its member ISER hosted the African Coalition on Corportate Accountability Conference and General Assembly under the theme ‘The Africa We Want’. This engagement enhanced greater commitment to the reclaiming of public services in Africa and the popularization of General Comment No.7 of the private provision of social services.
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Pre-African Forum on Business and Human Rights CSO Meeting
UCCA together with its member SEATINI held a Pre-African Forum on Business and Human Rights CSO meeting where, participants working on various trade, investment, and human rights issues shared views and key concerns ahead of the African Forum on Business and Human Rights. This ensured the development of a common position for Ugandan CSOs at the Forum in Addis Ababa.
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Meeting with complainants over IRM Draft Report
The Consortium together with its members from BIRUDO, the International Accountability Project (IAP), and complainants prepared a response to the Draft compliance report by the Independent Recourse Mechanism of the African Development Bank following the complaints concerning the Wadelai Irrigation Scheme Project Under the Farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation Project – Phase 2 (the Project, Wadelai Irrigation or FIEFOC-2).
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Round Table stakeholder engagement Meeting on Wadelai
The consortium took part in the stakeholder round table meeting at Bomah Hotel, in Gulu City to openly discuss and resolve the issues concerning Paten community complaints and the overall implementation of the Wadelai irrigation scheme. This meeting brought on board various stakeholders including; the community, youth, women, CSOs, the AfDB leadership, Cultural leaders, Ministry of Water and Environment officials, Pakwach District Local Government, Religious Leaders, and a representative from the Office of the President. Through this engagement, it was agreed that the forestalling issues be resolved and that the project continues. A draft resolution agreement and implementation action plan were signed by the stakeholders in attendance
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Follow-up Meeting on Kabolwa Project Affected Persons (PAPs)
The Consortium made follow up on the issues raised by Kabolwa project affected persons (PAP) related to the interests of claimants on land affected by the Tilenga Project along the Feeder pipeline component (RAP 4) in Kabolwa village, Buliisa District. During this engagement meeting, there was a call for more engagement of the people by the authorities, and that the PAPs whose ownership rights were not contested should be compensated.
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Meeting with NGO Coordination Office, Total Energies
The Consortium conducted a meeting with the NGO Coordination Office of Total Energies. Various issues were discussed, including energy transition and compliance with human rights principles in project implementation. During the meeting, the consortium shared its findings on the Social, Economic, and Environmental status of the oil and gas host communities. The consortium also shared best practices for ensuring the easy flow of information and recommended that materials be translated into local languages for the communities to easily understand all processes and also to ensure meaningful participation in project implementation. It was reiterated in this meeting that Petroleum development has a direct impact on the economic, social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of the host community and that these impacts require regular monitoring, based on an articulate and comprehensive Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
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Meeting with Members of the Consortium
The consortium convened its membership for a two-day General Assembly and Strategic Plan Development meeting. The General Assembly was concerned with discussions about specific areas of concern arising within the Consortium and effective planning for activities and partnerships. Through this engagement, it enabled the membership of the consortium to harmonize all planned activities and to identify activities that different Members will be taking the lead on as well as meaningfully contribute to the strategic development plan process for UCCA.
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National Action Plan Training
The Consortium together with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) supported by the French Embassy oversaw training on the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in various districts of Uganda.
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Meeting with complainants and affected community members.
The Consortium together with its members from the Bank Information Center (BIC), and International Accountability Project (IAP), and Twerwaneho Listeners’ Club (TLC) prepared a response to the Draft compliance report by the Independent Recourse Mechanism of the African Development Bank following the complaints raised concerning noncompliance with the Bank’s operational policies and procedures in the implementation of Lakes Edward & Albert Integrated Fisheries & Water Resources Management (LEAF II) project.
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Submission to the UN Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
The consortium made a submission to the United Nations Working Group on just energy transition. The submission was in response to the question concerning the State’s duty to protect human rights. The submission highlighted the mechanisms that should exist at the State level to assess and ensure that extractive sector operations do not adversely impact human rights. The submission further explained whether the measures are effectively enforced and whether they provide the necessary coverage in light of energy transition plans, programs, and activities.
Learn moreRoundtable workshop on the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The Consortium in partnership with the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre is hosting a Roundtable workshop with Civil Society and Trade Unions in Uganda on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The workshop will provide the opportunity for civil society and workers’ organisations to explore the case for a more robust directive, and provide the opportunity to develop advocacy plans to influence European Union (EU) decision-makers
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Strengthening Legal and Policy Frameworks at the European Union Level
The Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) in collaboration with Anti-Slavery International (ASI) participated in and contributed to the discussion on strengthening legal and policy frameworks at the EU on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and forced labour.
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Partnership with Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO)
The Consortium partnered with the Personal Data Protection Office whose mandate is to oversee the implementation of and enforcement of the Data Protection and Privacy Act No. 9 of 2019 to build the capacity of Data Protection Officers to conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments. These assessments would aid Data Protection Officers of all entities to identify and minimize data protection risks.
Learn moreDialogue With the Workers in Investment-based Sugarcane Plantations to Promote and Respect Workers’ Rights in Busoga region
Dialogue with workers in the Investment Based Sugarcane plantations in Busoga region.
Learn moreBuilding The NETPIL Business and Human Rights Resources Support Platform
The website will serve as a comprehensive site on public interest case law and developments in Uganda, and may include regional (East Africa) coverage.
Learn moreBreakfast Strategy Meeting With Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development to fast track the SIAA Bill
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Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) Stakeholder Dialogue
Round table discussion targeting, Ministry of Gender, Ministry of Lands, Local Government, Uganda Investment Authority, civil society organisations and land actors to deliberate on the need to include FPIC in the legal and policy frameworks of Uganda for effective promotion of FPIC.
Learn moreCapacity Building on International Financial Institutions Remedy Mechanisms
Training of Community Based Organisations on the remedy mechanisms of International Financial Institutions (IFIs).
Learn moreTooro/Rwenzori Community Dialogues and Regional Corporate Accountability Platforms
A community Dialogue with the communities of Katwe, Kabatoro and Kiganda regarding the negative impact the Lakes Edward and Albert Fishing (LEAF) II project has had on their livelihoods.
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Training on Free Prior and Informed Consent in Teso/Karamoja Region and Tooro – Rwenzori
Provision of tools for communities to deal with aspects related to lack of access to information and failure to engage communities in project designs.
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Teso Karamoja Community Dialogues and Regional Corporate Accountability Platform
Focus group discussions with the communities affected or likely to be affected by the geophysical aerial minerals mapping.
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Independent Review Mechanism Of AfDB Visit On Issues Arising Out Of Wadelai Irrigation Scheme
To understand the Wadelai Irrigation scheme issues, the IRM decided to carry out an Independent investigation through a due process.
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From 1st to 5th November 2021, UCCA with support of its members Ecological Christian Organization (ECO), Karamoja Development Forum (KDF) and Teso Karamoja Women Initiative for Peace (TEKWIP) in Teso Karamoja Region engaged with local communities from Tisai Island who anticipate development projects on preparing themselves through clear understanding of the principles of Free Prior and Informed Consent.
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FPIC TV Dialogue
The Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) organized an E-Dialogue to unpack the principles of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), discuss levels of engagements by affected communities and key issues affecting meaningful participation of communities.
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UCCA General Assembly
The UCCA secretariat convened the UCCA general assembly on Wednesday, 27th October, 2021 at Imperial Royale Hotel to discuss specific areas of concern arising within the consortium, plan around strengthening the consortium, share experiences, discuss common challenges, exchange lessons learned from implemented activities, review the implementation of progress of 2021 and evaluate the performance of the consortium.
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Greater Masaka RECAP Engagements
From 12th to 15th October 2021, UCCA with support of its member COTFONE in Greater Masaka Region engaged with local EACOP Project Affected Persons in Lwengo, Sembabule, Rakai and Kyotera and with duty bearers to address pertinent issues on the EACOP project within the region.
Learn moreFeminist Economics & Tax Justice Training
From 6th to 10th September 2021, Akiina Mama Wa Afrika (AMWA) a member of the UCCA organized a Feminist tax justice training under the Tax and Human Rights cluster to unearth and challenge participant’s biases on issues of patriarchy, and its impact on gender inequality including in access to, ownership, and control over resources, and rewards within the private and public sphere.
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Media Practitioners Training on Business and Human Rights Documentation and Reporting
The UCCA has conducted trainings of journalists on business and human rights broadly in the Rwenzori, Greater Masaka, Albertine and WestNile regions. This has increased knowledge of business and human rights among the regional journalists some of whom have set aside special programs on their respective media stations dedicated to discussions around corporate accountability.
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WestNile Regional Corporate Accountability Platform
In Arua District, residents of Pajulu-Olevu village in Ajia sub-county, are among the locals residing in the neighborhood of a tobacco processing plant - Meridian Tobacco Company. In community engagements and stakeholder meetings in West-Nile, the plight of communities affected by the Meridian Tobacco company was shared. The community has suffered and complained of the pungent smell which attracts flies all year round, discharge of factory effluents into nearbycommunity streams for the past eight years.
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Rwenzori Regional Corporate Accountability Platform
Tooro-Rwenzori region has experienced an influx in the investment in the extractive sector and infrastructural development including granting of exploration licenses, location permits, retention licenses and mining leases to various companies for various mineral. This influx has not only come with economic growth but also with increased cases of human rights abuses and violations.
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Bunyoro/Albertine Regional Corporate Accountability Platform
This year’s RECAP activity commenced 10th May 2021 with a meeting between the UCCA Secretariat and its member, World Voices Uganda in Kagadi.
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Consultative Meeting with the Pakwach District Project Implementation Team and the Paten Community in Ragem Sub County on Wadelai Irrigation Scheme Project
The UCCA held a consultative meeting with the District stakeholders and the paten community in Ragem sub county on the 17th and 18th March 2021 to share findings of the community-led research, receive feedback from the Local Government and strengthen transparency and accountability in implementation of the Wadelai Irrigation scheme in line with the African Development Bank Safeguards.
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Capacity Building Trainings of ISER’s Community Advocates on Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation of Business and Human Rights Issues
The trainings created platforms for the community advocates to give feedback on the some of the challenges they have encountered with motoring, reporting and documenting business and Human rights issues.
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Launch of the Child Labour in Agri-Business Report
The report points out weaknesses in the legal and policy framework, lack of monitoring, weak enforcement and lack of access to justice. It also pointed out the social economic pressures in the community and harsh experience by families, households and individuals seen in their lack of resilience to deal with unexpected events such as Covid that leads to child labour. It would later form basis of UCCA’s engagements on the day of the African Child.
Learn more7th Annual National Conference on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 2020
The 7th Annual National Conference will serve as a platform to take stock of the 2016 promises and to determine the viability of the 2021 election promises. In addition, the Conference will provide space to synthesize and analyse the issues that should form the foundation of the 2021 election campaigns.
Learn moreGreater Masaka Region Stakeholder Engagements On Socio-Economic Rights, Covid-19, The East African Crude Oil Pipeline & Respect For Free Prior And Informed Consent
The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) passes through a huge part of greater Masaka region and many communities will be affected by this project. COTFONE and Partners have been working around strengthening community sensitization and awareness on the project. Most project affected persons are rural communities that largely survive on land. Of specific interest, various marginalized and vulnerable groups including women, persons with disabilities, youth and the elderly among others will, if initiatives are not strategically focused on addressing their unique challenges in land acquisition, compensation and resettlement processes, face huge negative impacts. It is crucial that all project processes take cognizance of the unique challenges faced by the special interest groups.
Learn moreRwenzori Regional Corporate Accountability Platform
The Rwenzori RECAP is an annual engagement organised by the Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) in partnership with Twerwaneho Listeners Club (TLC). The RECAP brings together various stakeholders in the region including, CSOs, Local government Official, the Judiciary, Police and business actors among other relevant stakeholders. The purpose of the RECAP is to engage in constructive reflections and assess the impact of various investment and other development projects on the respect and realisation of human rights in the region.
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E-Dialogue on Promoting Responsible Business for Economic Recovery
The dialogue shall also interrogate the need to fast track the national action plan on business and human rights, respect for the environment in the chain of production and promote the corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
Learn moreUCCA 2020 General Membership Meeting and Capacity Building
A planning and review meeting with capacity building of the membership on human rights fact-finding documentation and advocacy, accessing remedy through International Finance Institutions(IFIs) accountability mechanisms.
Learn moreBreakfast Meeting on the Externalization of Labour
In Uganda today, externalization of labour, has posed some real challenges and questions keep being asked including, what mechanisms Uganda has in place to provide safety for its people working abroad? Who is responsible for regulating recruiting firms and what measures have been put in place to sanction them against labour exploitation, human trafficking and protective measures in the receiving states? This discussion intends to unpack further and interrogate these issues and come up with clear strategies on strengthening regulatory and enforcement measures in the sector.
Learn moreThe 5th Session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises is an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.
Learn more6th Annual National Conference on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)
The aim of the Conference is to take stock of access to justice policies, laws and mechanisms and how these were impacting on access to justice for victims of ESCRs violations and abuses. The Conference will discuss the different mechanisms and remedies available to victims and how effective and efficient these are.
Learn moreFollow Up Engagement with Project Affected Persons (PAPs) of the Proposed Central Processing Facility in Buliisa District
A team from the UCCA Secretariat conducted a follow up engagement upon the request by the Project Affected Persons(PAPs) from the Resettlement Action Plan I for the proposed Central Processing Facility (CPF) situated in Buliisa District.
Learn moreWakiso Land Awareness Week
The weeklong engagements included Local Government leaders stakeholder meeting, community sensitization engagements, mobile legal aid clinics on land rights, title verification, radio and Television talk shows, sensitization on the roles of surveyors and display of the register of surveyors. The Land awareness week was intended to interrogate various critical issues around land ownership, interest, rights and acquisition and to increase peoples capacity to advocate for their interests in Land.
Learn moreThe Teso-Karamoja Regional Corporate Accountability Platform (RECAP)
This year, RECAP included discussions on the current legal and regulatory reforms in the mining sector and in-depth discussions on forced and illegal evictions rampant across the country. The discussion focused on unpacking the JamesMuhindo & Ors Vs Attorney General MC No. 127/2016 judgment. Mr. Topoth Charles, one of the applicants shared experiences that instigated the case and the push for eviction guidelines. Through this case, judgment tasked government to develop eviction guidelines within 6 months.
Learn moreKDF Strategic Litigation Surgery
The KDF litigation surgery focused on discussions around the nature of evidence required to support the cases of land eviction, fraudulent acquisition of titles over communal lands and forceful eviction of artisanal and small scale miners from mining lands.
Learn moreWomen and Girls Skills Training
Women and girls (school drop outs) in Kiziranfumbi Sub county Kikuube district have been trained in hand work using locally available materials. Because environment destruction has cleared swamps were women used to get papyrus as materials to weave baskets, NAVODA had to provide for alternative materials that can be used to do weaving and which are environmental friendly.
Learn moreCommunity Sensitization Meetings On Land Rights, Property And Ownership
NAVODA has conducted community sensitization meetings to empower the community to know their rights in regard to land, property, security and ownership so that they are able to protect and advocate for their rights i.e making binding sales agreement, Succession Act, Land Act. They are now able to even identify the key stakeholders and even explore the avenues available in case their Rights are violated.
Learn moreCommunity Sensitization On Compensation In Nyairongo-Kyarushesha
The meeting was a result of the community petitioning NAVODA office on the matter that UNRA had poorly managed the compensation and the whole process was not understood by the community. They wanted the exercise re-done since some never received assessment forms, others properties were not valued. This community was further empowered with current compensation rates so as to demand for a fair, timely and prompt compensation.
Learn moreMediations and Legal Aid
NAVODA manages a toll free call centre that receives land based conflicts in the districts of Hoima and Buliisa. Clients with land matters call in and their cases are recorded. Some clients are given advise on phone as requested and others helped through community based mediations. Other clients are given free Legal Aid services led by a team of Lawyers from Civic Response on Environment and Development (CRED)
Learn moreWomen leaders training on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
This training was conducted with a selection of community members and leaders to empower them on issues around Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation were they were regarded to be focal persons that would be key in forming a strong women movement.
Learn moreCommunity Dialogue in Namuyenje Subcounty, Mukono District
Between February and June 2016, the Consortium conducted a “baseline study on the effects and impact of corporate actions on the enjoyment of ESCRs in Uganda.” The purpose of this study was to establish the status of business and human rights in Uganda in terms of the nature of the legal framework, reported abuses and affected communities, frameworks of accountability as well as best practices and innovations. One of the communities visited in March 2016, was that of Nakisunga in Mukono district— especially that affected by stone quarrying activities of different companies. During the Validation workshop of the baseline, community members from Mukono requested UCCA to make a follow up on the issues found and raised by the members. The findings from the research and the report will be launched and discussed at the 3rd Annual National Conference on Economic Social and Cultural Rights scheduled for September 14th and 15th 2016 at Makerere University, under the theme “Business and Human Rights in Uganda: Social Responsibility vs Accountability for Corporate Abuses in Uganda.” This Community dialogue is a follow up from baseline engagements.
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