Save the date: 3rd and 4th August 2022
Venue: Makerere University Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility (CTF) 2 Auditorium
a) To examine the adequacy of fiscal measures and other domestic revenue mobilization measures for a just and inclusive recovery; b) To explore the role of stronger public services in ensuring a just and inclusive recovery; c) To propose a human rights-based approach to budgeting for a just and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and conflict context; d) To scrutinize the place of the public debt, specifically the effects the same could have on public finance and recovery; e) To make recommendations for appropriate reforms to enable a just and inclusive economic recovery.
Participant information and structure
Expected outcomes
It is hoped that the conference will contribute to a broader consensus between Government, citizens, and other stakeholders on financing priorities, effective domestic revenue mobilization, and fiscal measures. This is in addition to consensus on how to manage public debt, the role and forms of illicit financial flows, and how they affect revenue mobilization for a just and inclusive recovery.