
How Monitor story saved swamps from illegal miners in Kakumiro

How Monitor story saved swamps from illegal miners in Kakumiro

According to Section 36 (1) of the National Environment Act 1995 of Uganda, a general penalty for illegal wetland use is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 18 months or a fine of not less than Shs180,000 and not more than Shs18 million.

June 16, 2021
What trend towards mandatory human rights due diligence means

What trend towards mandatory human rights due diligence means

In March, the European Union (EU) took a major step towards passing a new law to…

May 8, 2021
Total 'suspends contracts linked to Mozambique gas project'

Total 'suspends contracts linked to Mozambique gas project'

France’s Total has suspended contracts with at least two companies building infrastructure to support a multi-billion-dollar…

April 22, 2021

Women's rights in the work place: Beyond window dressing, towards consistent action

 Every 8th March, people and organisations around the world celebrate the InternationalWomen’s Day. Speeches are given,…

March 8, 2021
Oil pipeline compensation delayed

Oil pipeline compensation delayed

The compensation of the people affected by the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project in…

February 6, 2021